The Microblading healing process
Microblading has become a fascinating word to the women of America. Microblading is a long-lasting tattoo developed to restore and refine eyebrows. It replaces the need for:
-Eyebrow Tinting
-Eyebrow Threading
-Eyebrow Waxing
Microblading is getting people excited. Now there is one excellent treatment for your eyebrows that is all encumbering. It dismisses eyebrow tinting, eyebrow threading, and eyebrow waxing. All these things are used to enhance the color and shape of your eyebrows by coloring or removal, but most people don’t have enough to color or removal. These treatments will never fill in or add, eyebrow must exist first and this is the problem, for many of us, they don’t. Microblading does it all in one go. It can darken, fill and shape even the most stubborn and oppressed eyebrows’ giving people a brow line that was never achievable before.
In the last thirty years, our eyebrows have been taking a beating. The vision of beauty has changed so much that trends have been doing a 180 over and over. From full and bushy brows of the seventies hippy culture to waif models like Kate Moss of the nineties flip-flopping our brows to hell and back. And how have our brows taken this? Its bad news for most of us now in our forties, then pretty much being the only option. Microblading gives us back the gift of time and opportunities. Faux eyebrow strokes can fill in brow-lines restoring them back to life. Great eyebrows can make you look prettier, thinner, and more luxurious. Have you ever noticed how thick, full and illustrious celebrity brows look? And have you ever noticed those reality show characters in catfights with thin sharp and cheap looking brows? There may be a theme here. Celebrity brows are getting bolder, thicker and more perfect. Great brows, good day, good mood is the motto of many women and Microblading makes that possible to all people and all walks of life.
So how do Microbladed eyebrows heal? It’s a process. Microblading is different from a linear tattoo because of where the pigment is deposited in the skin. Microblading ‘strokes’ or hairs are deposited high up in the epidermis in the top layers of the skin. These top layers in the epidermis are the ones that regenerate. This regeneration on these top layers of skin is what causes Microblading to kind of ‘fade off’. How quickly will that happen? It happens based on how fast your skin regenerates. So, if you are a quick healer, Microblading may not last as long as it would on someone who is not. Additionally, oily skin can play a role in how long Microblading will last. People who have oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles as their skin is continuously being lubricated. People with oily skin can have less time with their Microblading experience than someone with dry skin. People with dry skin don’t produce as much oil and do not have the constant lubrication. Age will play a role also, often giving people with more mature skin extra time with their Microblading as their skin regenerates much more slowly. It is safe to say that Microblading will last one to three years depending on skin regeneration, skin tone, and age.
Microblading is a two-step treatment. The initial treatment will address the color, shape, thickness, and fullness of the desired eyebrow. This is discussed in a client assessment form and agreed to by both parties, the client, and the artist. A written document can help define the agreement and will aid in the understanding of the desired effect of the Microblading healing Process treatment. The second treatment is the touch-up. It is common for some Microblading strokes not to take, and these strokes are touched up on the second visit. Additionally, brows can be refined on this treatment adding extra hair for additional thickness or fullness.
After the initial treatment, Microblading takes seven to eleven days to go through the superficial Microblading healing process. Microblading will get darker for three to four days post-treatment sending many people into a flurry. But… DONT FREAK OUT!! This is necessary as it will not stay this dark. Microblading can lose up to fifty percent of the initial color. It MUST be too dark to become the right color after it heals. Additionally, it will shrink in size. This means that as the strokes heal they will shrink, making your Microblading appear shorter and smaller. All this is necessary to get the final result as desired. An expert in the field of Microblading will show you pictures of this Microblading healing process outlining all the stages you will have to endure to get the best brows of your life!
Call BrowBeat today on 214 432 3077 to make your Microblading appointment for The Microblading healing process, Book Now
Dallas Advanced Microblading Experts
1800 Market Pl Blvd Ste 130
Irving , Texas 75063
Phone: 214-432-3077