What No One Tells You About Microblading Scabbing: 30-Day Journey Uncovered

Microblading is a popular form of semi-permanent makeup that can last anywhere from one to three years. It is an excellent option for someone who wants to maintain the perfect brow shape but doesn’t want to continue with traditional cosmetics. However, if you opt for this treatment, you have to prep yourself for its most challenging part–microblading scabbing. In this article, we’ll uncover everything you need to know about this post-treatment effect and why you shouldn’t be scared of it!

What Is Microblading Scabbing?

Microblading scabbing is a common side effect of microblading. Scabs are typically crusty or flaky areas that develop on the skin’s surface, indicating too much moisture trapped underneath them. Microblading scabbing can happen after the procedure, depending on your skin type and how you take care of it. 

Are Scabbing and Flaking the Same?

Microblading scabbing is a little different from flaking. Flaky skin is usually something that plasters off your skin in little pieces, whereas scabs are usually raised bumps that will peel off during the microblading healing period.

It’s crucial to take note that when your eyebrows start to scab, don’t try to pick them out. There’s a tendency for the pigment to come off with the microblading scab. Thus, you need to control yourself from scratching your brows or removing the scabs and let them fall off naturally. 

How Does Microblading Scabbing Happen?

Scabbing is what happens when the skin gets cut or pierced and becomes damaged. The healing process causes the skin to peel off in some sort of sheet, like after a sunburn. It’s the same thing as it appearing on your body if you pick at your skin. It is something that can happen with any form of piercings, including microblading on your eyebrows.

When Does It Start?

If you want to know how long it takes for the microblading tattoo to start peeling or flaking, it will usually start to come off within the first few days after the procedure. As mentioned earlier, it’s vital not to pick at your scabs because this can cause scarring or, worse, infection! The skin cells will regenerate themselves quickly, so the color pigment placed under them will be permanent. 

The Microblading Healing Process

The healing process of your newly transformed brows usually takes from 4 to 6 weeks. Therefore if you’re a first-timer of this procedure, make sure to talk with your microblading expert on the microblading healing process and the aftercare. This will help you avoid infections and achieve the outcome you’re expecting to have.

It’s also important to note that the overall healing process can differ from person to person. Its length and aftercare measures may vary depending on the following factors:

  • Skin type
  • Age
  • Environmental factors (such as extreme weather conditions)
  • How well you follow post-treatment instructions

The 30-Day Journey

Let’s walk you through the day-to-day healing process to understand how microblading scabbing looks and why you should not freak out if you experience them.

Days 1 to 3

On the first day, your brows will be very thick and bold, and the color may appear to be very dark. However, there’s nothing to be freaked about because the color will eventually fade. During these days, you may experience:

  • redness
  • tenderness
  • mild swelling
  • mild bleeding
  • a sensation of feeling cut or bruised

Keep in mind that in the following days, these sensations will ease up. 

Days 3 to 5

At this point, the pain and discomfort are gone, though your brows are still bold, thick, and dark. This is also when microblading scabbing happens, making your skin itchy, flaky, and with scabs.

Don’t forget that this is a common part of the healing process. The scabbing only means that your skin is recovering, so leave your brows be. 

Days 5 to 8

The flaking and scabbing continue at this period; hence you will be tempted to scratch the itch and pick the scabs. Have the self-control to endure the prickling sensation because your eyebrows become patchy if you scratch or peel off the scab. Be patient to wait for the scabs to fall off voluntarily. 

During these days, the pigment in your brow will gradually fade as they flake away; however, there’s nothing to worry about because the color will return eventually.

Days 8 to 12

By this time, flaking is over, and the pigment color comes back. 

Days 12 to 21

At this point, the pigment settled, and your microbladed eyebrows are taking shape.

Days 21 to 30

And your healing process is complete. By this time, the skin is healed, so you will feel comfortable and have no more pain sensation. 

After the healing process is complete, you’ll likely have to book an appointment for a touch-up session with your technician. The touch-up usually happens after a month or two of the healing period.  

Ways to Treat the Eyebrows During the Microblading Scabbing Process

Microblading scabbing is nothing to be scared about. However, there are two ways to treat it during the 30-day healing process.These are:

Dry Healing

This is the natural method of letting the scabs heal. It means that you won’t use any aftercare ointments or other products on your skin. Nonetheless, dry healing may provide a better outcome.

The advantage of dry healing is you don’t need to do anything since you won’t be using any products for the skin. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that you can have an infection since you are not cleaning the microbladed area. Another is that may also prolong the healing period. 

Wet Healing

Contrary to dry healing, you can use cream or aftercare products if you choose the wet healing way for your brows. In addition, this method of healing helps to subdue and lessen the scabbing. 

The great news about this method is that it reduces the scabs and the pigment color heals evenly. While the not-so-great news is you have to do some aftercare routine for at least two weeks. 

Should I Be Worried About Microblading Scabbing?

As mentioned, microblading scabbing is a normal process after the procedure. However, you should be worried if the scabbing is comprehensive. The reason for this probably is the cut made was deeper than the supposed depth for the procedure. Furthermore, observe for any signs of infection (usually, there’s inflammation and redness on your brows). 

If, for instance, this situation occurs, don’t panic and try to treat your skin on your own. It’s best to ask your service provider to give you advice on the proper care that you should do. 

Can I Prevent My Brows From Scabbing?

Microblading scabbing is really part of the healing process. In fact, this is the most challenging (and irritating) stage of the recovery period. However, in some cases, the microblading scabs take longer than expected, which may ruin the procedure’s outcome. So, how can you prevent this from happening?

  • First and foremost, choose an experienced professional who understands anatomy and knows the proper pigment colors. 
  • Avoid high humidity areas for at least one week after the procedure. It will also help you avoid infection, which often starts due to moisture or bacteria on your skin. 
  • Keep your face free of any harsh treatment-only use mild lotion or soap if it feels necessary. 
  • DO NOT touch your brows while they heal. People often run their fingers over their eyebrows without thinking (which can lead to smudging). 
  • If anything should contact your brows during the healing process, gently wipe it off with a clean cloth and apply more moisturizer.
  • Remember not to pick the scabs to avoid scarring leading to patchy eyebrows.

Wrapping It Up

Microblading scabbing is a normal but crucial stage of the healing process. This will test your patience and self-discipline. You might even think that this part of the healing period is annoying, but you will congratulate yourself for doing a great job after looking at the result. 

Anyway, a few days of patience is nothing compared to a couple of years you will enjoy your beautiful eyebrows!

If you’re thinking about microblading your brows, make sure to schedule a consultation with an expert who can make you comfortable about getting the treatment. Work with an artist who will answer all of your questions and give you advice on how you can have a worry-free microblading journey–just like our professionals at BrowBeat!

We hope this article erased all your worries about microblading scabbing. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more questions or booking inquiries. Have a great day!

BROWBEAT STUDIO Dallas Advanced Microblading Experts 1800 Market Pl Blvd Ste 130 Irving, Texas 75063 Phone: 214-432-3077 More like this:
