Microblading Result: Tips To Avoid Eyebrow Disaster 2021
Microblading is an advanced technology in improving the appearance of eyebrows. With the use of a small handheld tool, fine hairs are created mimicking the eyebrows’ hair, making them fluffier and bushier or depending on the suitable style of every client to offer them the superb microblading result they are expecting to have. This up-to-date method of enhancing the eyebrows makes many ladies (and gentlemen too) go crazy since most people are fashionistas nowadays.
Furthermore, nobody wants to be left behind with the trendy things going around, so they try their best to dance to the music until it lasts.
Microblading eyebrows may not be a significant decision-making thing to someone, but it should not be taken lightly either. Though this is a non-invasive procedure, you (when you decide on doing microblading) should sit down and think thoroughly before doing the treatment. There are many things you have to consider before doing microblading to achieve a gratifying microblading result.
What Should You Consider Before Doing the Procedure?
What are the conditions you must know before doing the treatment, then?
- You should know your medical history (to identify whether you have illnesses that won’t allow you to do microblading).
- You should check your skin condition because the different types of the skin affect the microblading result. Therefore, it’s necessary to know if your skin type is ideal for microblading.
- You need to check if you have the money you need to shell out for the procedure. Remember, great eyebrows are not cheap. And cheap eyebrows are not great. Microblading is pricey, so you should save for the procedure to guarantee a rewarding microblading result.
- Consultation with a microblading artist would be perfect for helping you decide if you’re qualified to undergo the treatment.
Do Skin Conditions Affect Microblading Results?
It’s vital to know first if your skin condition is suitable for microblading eyebrows, no matter how young or old you are. A microblading artist would want you to have a rewarding microblading result and leave her salon with a happy face, which is why you have to know first if your skin type is suitable to have the procedure.
Some skin conditions may affect the microblading result, so it’s essential to talk to your microblading artist with honesty to determine the best solution to your concern because microblading can either make or break you. Of course, we want you to get what you paid and have an incredible experience in enhancing your eyebrows.
Microblading Result: Skin Conditions
One of the things to think about before doing microblading is your skin condition because this will affect the microblading result. So what are the skin problems that won’t give a rewarding microblading result?
Chronic Acne
This skin condition usually occurs during puberty, wherein pimples appear on the face, neck, back, chest, and upper arms.
How will you know if you have rosacea? Rosacea is a persistent skin problem that affects the face and usually appears on individuals with lighter skin. The symptoms are thick skin on the nose, dry skin, red bumps, a burning sensation when the skin is wet, and soreness around the eyes.
Eczema, sometimes referred to as “Atopic (meaning allergy) Dermatitis,” is a skin condition wherein the skin is very itchy and red. The children are the usual victims of this skin condition, but adults may have it too. Individuals with eczema may suffer from allergy and asthma and have the following skin symptoms; redness, severe itching, and dry, scaly skin.
The following are the seven types of eczema: Hand eczema (only occurs on hands), Contact Dermatitis (reaction from a touched substance), Dyshidrotic eczema (causes tiny blisters on hands and feet), Nummular eczema (causes round, coin-shaped spots on the skin), Atopic Eczema (the most common kind of eczema), Neurodermatitis (similar to atopic dermatitis), and Stasis dermatitis (causes varicose veins).
Psoriasis happens when the immune system attacks the body when it has an infection. It is a chronic disease that usually occurs on the elbow, hands, knees, feet, and scalp and has no cure. A person with psoriasis may experience itchy, dry, scaly skin with patches.
Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis Pilaris appears on the skin like bumps and looks like the skin of a chicken which is why it is sometimes called “chicken skin.” The bumps usually occur on the thigh, upper arm, cheeks, and buttocks. The good news if you have this skin disorder is, it doesn’t itch so that you won’t feel uncomfortable.
The skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, keratosis, and dermatitis won’t have a satisfying microblading result due to the scraping of the skin. The pigment inserted on the skin will fade or remove right away, so you won’t be glad about the microblading healing result. As for chronic acne and rosacea, your skin bleeds easily and makes it hard to put the pigment when creating hair strokes on your brows. Therefore the microblading result is disappointing, and I’m sure everybody expects the best microblading result because shelling out money is not a joke.
Other Factors That Affect Microblading Result
Aside from the various skin problems, there are other factors that you should know to be happy with your microblading result.
Are your hobbies swimming and surfing? Do you love staying in the sun? If so, you might want to avoid sunburn before your microblading treatment because your skin peels when you are sunburned, and your microblading result will be poor.
Furthermore, if you get sunburned, let them heal first before booking an appointment because it dramatically impacts your microblading result.
Microblading Result: Botox
Let the fillers settle in your face and have your face go back to normal before doing the treatment. You wouldn’t want your eyebrows to be imbalanced, right?
Previous Eyebrow Tattoo
If you have a previous eyebrow tattoo and want it to be covered up, consult the microblading expert to know if you can avail of the treatment and be happy with the microblading result. In addition, it would be helpful if you have a photo of your previous eyebrow tattoo so the microblading artist will have an idea of how to repair your previous tattoo.
Microblading is an outstanding option for hair loss due to chemotherapy. However, if the patient is still under treatment, it’s not advisable to have the procedure because it would affect the microblading result.
Other Medical Conditions
It’s crucial to check your medical history before the procedure so that your microblading result will be rewarding and fulfilling.
Moreover, you can’t have an eyebrow makeover if you are pregnant, a lactating mom, under medication, or have a severe heart condition. Consult your physician before reserving your appointment.
And for the essential part, you have to make sure that you are 18 years old and above if you decide to do microblading. Minors are not allowed to the procedure unless they have their parents’ consent or have an adult with them.
Additional Information
After reading the article about the different skin conditions and other factors that affect the microblading result and found out that you are eligible to have the procedure, there are other things you still need to consider before making up your mind.
- First of all, make sure you have savings for the procedure since microblading eyebrows don’t come cheap. Remember that gorgeous brows are not low-priced. Therefore, don’t give in to (claiming) microblading artists who offer a low-cost microblading procedure because, we assure you, their offer is not worth it.
- Do your research and check that the microblading artist you will entrust your brows to is legit and has the qualifications and credibility to do the procedure, so you will achieve the microblading result you’ve been dreaming to have. Or, you can ask a friend who had a microblading procedure from a particular microblading expert about their experience. You can also see the microblading result of your friend to know if you’re happy with how the procedure works on her.
- Search for the salon’s website and check the clients’ feedback on their services. Ask for the microblading artist’s portfolio to see the microblading procedure before and after photos as a reference.
- Lastly, you have to prepare yourself physically and emotionally, no matter how excited you are about your eyebrow transformation. The procedure may take up to three hours – depending on how perfectionist your microblading expert is – so brace yourself to keep still for a couple of hours. Anyway, after a few hours of the procedure, you can say, hello, gorgeous brows!
If you are located in Dallas, Texas, we would like to inform you that a reputable studio – BrowBeat Studio Dallas Advanced Eyebrow Microblading Experts – is near you. Approach our friendly staff, and they will definitely lend you a helping hand.
Congratulations on taking the next step to make your eyebrows fabulous!
Thanks a lot for reading this article about 5 Skin Conditions That Affect Microblading Result. Make sure to do your homework before doing the procedure to get the best Microblading Result.
Dallas Advanced Microblading Experts
1800 Market Pl Blvd Ste 130
Irving , Texas 75063
Phone: 214-432-3077
Check out our other blogs covering eyebrow microblading information!