Theo’s Microblading Eyebrows Process Step by step guide

Microblading eyebrows process
As microblading artists, we love our jobs. We love the diversity of clients that walk through our doors. If you are one of the people whose attention is caught by the storm called “microblading, read with us and discover the microblading eyebrows process in this blog.
Eyebrows give us character, so making them too perfect at different age groups can be a bad idea. Theo has a reasonable brow starting point, in fact, she have fine, evenly-placed hair all laying down properly and not wiring or sticking out different directions. These fine, evenly-laying hairs usually harbor the best micro-blading result and easiest microblading eyebrow process.
Theo told us prior to the treatment commencing, that she does not want to look like Groucho Marx (if you know what we mean!). As microblading artists, we hear this a lot – most people desire an everyday eyebrow. An eyebrow that goes with everything, not just an eyebrow that works with a full face of makeup.
We often laugh and joke with our clients, you don’t want a stiletto eyebrow at 8 in the morning when you’re just getting out of bed! What you really want is a tennis shoe eyebrow, an eyebrow that goes with everything that you can dress up when necessary.
We find the darker shaded brow mainly appeals to people in their 20s, not people who are middle-aged and above. People who are middle-aged and above tend to want a structured brow that looks refined but not too dense and heavy.
Theo’s Microblading Eyebrows Process
This is also the case with Theo. She would like her brows not to look microbladed. And this is possible! The spacing of the strokes, the pressure, the color, and the density – all of the microblading eyebrows process can all be tweaked to achieve this.
It is so important to have heavy discussions before the treatment commences. We’ve done this with Theo, going detail by detail about the brow shape in the first part of the microblading eyebrows process. We also, of course, use the golden ratio.
The golden ratio helps navigate the brows beginning and ending points. But we, as artists, decide how dense and heavy and what color to choose. This will completely change the treatment. So, education must exist before commencing the microblading eyebrows process. Then, we will understand each other totally before moving forward.
Additionally, as an artist, we will often show the client, during the treatment, so they know what’s going on. We find this very useful, in that, there’s no way are we ever going to stray away from what the client really wants.
This is a powerful tool, as we share the experience with our clients. This way they know exactly what’s going on. They also know that we care about the outcome. Sure it takes extra time, but it’s so worth it in the end.
Theo has a soft elegant brow. It’s not too heavy, but it defines her face.
As you can see from the diversity of our videos, microblading is appealing to all age groups and ethnic backgrounds. We cannot just do the same thing on everyone!
Great care must be taken in deciphering the code behind everybody’s eyebrow desires. The word dark means something different to everyone, the word thick means something different to everyone, the word defined means something different to everyone.
Come to browbeat to get the best treatment and reliable microblading eyebrows process!
We understand that not everybody is the same, therefore, we understand that we should not do the same eyebrow on everybody.
Some is the golden ratio, some is creativity, and some is client’s desires. We use all of these things to come up with the eyebrow shape for the client. We can microblade the most beautiful eyebrow in the world, however, if that beautiful eyebrow is not the same shape, density, and color of the desired eyebrow, the client will still be unhappy with the outcome.
Call BrowBeat today on 214 432 3077 to make your Microblading appointment!
Dallas Advanced Microblading Experts
1800 Market Pl Blvd Ste 130
Irving , Texas 75063
Phone: 214-432-3077
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