Taking Care Of Your Eyebrows: Aftercare for Microblading
14- Day Aftercare for Microblading: Fail-proof Secrets to a Worry-free Journey!
Whether you’ve just received your first microblading treatment or you’re still planning to get one, you have to be aware of what awaits you once the procedure has ended. To make sure you have a worry-free post-treatment journey, we’ll let you in on our fail-proof secrets and everything you need to know about aftercare for microblading!
Why Should You Take Extra Care Of Your Eyebrows After Treatment?
Yep! Read that again. After a microblading procedure, everyone is encouraged to take EXTRA care of their eyebrows and the areas that were affected. As you may have known by now, the process involves cutting into the skin in the area of the eyebrows to insert the pigments. This is why aftercare for microblading can be similar to post-tattoo care.
Nonetheless, there’s nothing much to worry about the procedure itself. Even if the scratches on your skin are minor, the skin will regenerate with each stroke. However, it may take time for your skin to heal, depending on its type and condition. Thus, you must assist your eyebrow skin cells to smoothen the process. Furthermore, your aftercare journey would pretty much define how long the pigment will last beautifully on your skin after healing.

aftercare for microblading
What To Expect After Microblading
If you want to achieve your dream eyebrows, it’s crucial to be extra careful in the first stage of the microblading healing process. To give you an idea of what is about to happen during your microblading healing process, here’s a quick guide from day 1 to day 30.
On Day 1, you’re excited. HELLO NEW BROWS! You get to go into your artist’s studio with patchy uneven brows, or no brows at all – and voila! You come out with legitimate hair strokes that you want to show the world literal #browgoals.
They look textured, dense, and a little bit red, but it’s a world of difference. You feel like a changed person and your brows are bold in color. If you aren’t used to filling them in a lot, they will look slightly more dramatic in appearance than usual, tender, slightly swollen, and you may even experience some slight bleeding. But, this is just the start of your journey and these worries will go away before you even notice.
DAY 2-4
DAY 2 WILL BE PRETTY EASY. Your brows will get darker over this period, but don’t freak out! They will lighten again. Your brows will be reddish, still quite tender, and maybe even a little bit thicker in texture than the day before.
You may notice the difference in your brows and feel like people are looking at them. However, chances are you’re just more self-conscious about it rather than people seeing them being darker than usual.
DAY 5-8
During these days, your brows will be flaking and scabbing off. This is also when the affected area may start to get itchy. But don’t fret! This is just the turning point in the healing process. Just make sure NOT to pick or remove the scabs, or you may inadvertently remove some of your pigment as it may cause further irritation and, worse, infection.
Remember, the scabs will fall off by themselves when they are ready. RESIST the urge to blow up your artist’s phone, firing off questions and accusations alike. Having a wound on your face means your body is trying to repair itself, hence the scabbing. It’s all a part of the healing process, and if you’ve had any other kind of tattoos in the past, it heals very similarly.
DAY 9-10
Your brows might seem as if they’ve “fallen off.” It’s important to note that the wounds should be closed at this stage. Hence, if you’re feeling self-conscious about the light look, don’t worry because better days of your brows are yet to come. Just remember, DO NOT PUT ANY MAKEUP on top of your healing brows as it may cause damage to your skin.
DAY 10-21
Yes, you’re almost there! Your brows may still look patchy at this stage but, DON’T GET DISCOURAGED. THE HEALING IS ALMOST COMPLETE! In just a matter of time, you’ll be settling into your new shortened makeup routine – oh, and imagine those waterproof brow beach days?
DAY 30
Guess what? Your healing process is finally complete! Your skin has finally recovered, and your eyebrows are looking great as never before.
This is the point where you’ll be able to tell if there is anything you want to add or change. There could also be a couple of spots from loss of pigment, which is all dependent on how well your skin took the colorants, but this is OKAY as your follow-up appointment should be just around the corner!
Step by Step Microblading Aftercare Process
That was just an overview of your 30-day microblading journey. Of course, we still have to make sure that you have a safe and worry-free one. Thus, here’s everything you need to remember during the 14-day aftercare for microblading.
On the day of treatment: Absorb
Use a clean tissue on the treatment day and gently pat the affected area to soak up excessive lymph fluid. It is vital to remove these to avoid the hardening of the lymph. Do this for the whole day until the bleeding stops.
Day 1-7: Wash and moisturize
From days 1-7, wash the area twice a day (morning and night) with water and an antibacterial soap like Cetaphil to remove dead skin and bacteria. Rub the area carefully and gently for 10 seconds and rinse well, ensuring that no traces of soap are left behind. Make sure to use your CLEAN fingertips to cleanse the area gently.
Apply the aftercare ointment every after wash. Keep in mind not to use skincare products that contain exfoliants or acids.
Day 8-14: Continue washing the area twice a day.
You don’t need to apply the aftercare ointment these days, but doing it morning and night will help speed up the recovery of your eyebrows and the areas affected. It can also keep your skin moisturized and hydrated.
Avoid Doing These Things Within 14 Days
Aside from following ALL the steps above, there are a few things you must avoid to achieve the best outcome possible. Here are just some of them:
- Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning. Micro dust from the garage or other unsanitary areas may cause unwanted irritation and infection.
- Driving in open-air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles. Airborne debris may injure the sensitive skin surrounding the brows.
- Practicing sports, going to saunas, and doing other activities that cause excessive sweating.
- Staying under the sun for a long period of time or going to tanning salons. UV/UVA Rays or chemicals can cause a shift in color and premature fading.
- Picking, peeling, or scratching the micro pigmented area as these can cause scarring or removal of the pigment.
- Eating too much spicy foods and drinking alcohol in excess. These may lead to the slow healing of wounds.
After your 14-day post-treatment journey, you can go back to your usual routines and do anything you wish. However, it’s advisable to keep these tips and the whole aftercare process in mind throughout your 30-day microblading journey.
What To Avoid Putting In The Eyebrows
Apart from the post-treatment tips mentioned above, here are some things we encourage you to keep in mind:
- During the first seven days of your aftercare for microblading, do not let any water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch your eyebrow area. This includes keeping your face dry during a shower.
- Do not use any cleansers that contain acids or exfoliants.
- Avoid laser or chemical treatments, peelings, or creams containing Retin-A or glycolic acid on the face or neck.
- Avoid facials, botox, or peels for four weeks.
- Don’t wear any makeup or use skincare on your brows until they’ve healed. The reason is that the pigments are still settling into the shallow cuts in your skin caused by the blading.
In case you want a more detailed guideline for the dos and don’ts in your microblading journey, you can also check out this article!
What To Do When Complications Appear
Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following:
- fever
- redness or swelling of the affected area
- tenderness of the procedure site
- elevated body temperature
- red streaks going from the microbladed area towards the heart
- any green or yellow discharge that is foul in odor
While these rarely happen, it’s best to keep your aftercare for microblading as clean and infection-free as possible to avoid them.
Time for Your Touchup Session!
After following the 14-day aftercare process and going through your 30-day microblading journey, it’s time to make those eyebrows much more gorgeous!
Remember, your eyebrows aren’t finished until after the second session. A touchup session after four weeks is a must as everyone heals differently. The outcome might also vary depending on how you did your aftercare for microblading. This touchup session process usually takes about an hour, contingent on how your skin and eyebrows reacted to the first procedure.
Sometimes, there are instances where specific brow areas may not pick up the pigment well during the first session and will need refilling. You will usually require a deeper shade during the touchup session if you have oily skin, as the oils tend to lighten the pigment. There are also instances where the pigment color may need to be adjusted, and more strokes must be added to improve the brow thickness.
Ready for Your Microblading Journey?
After knowing all these tips on aftercare for microblading and being familiar with the whole process, you must be ready to finally get those gorgeous, lasting eyebrows. And if you’re certain you are, give us a call so we can talk about the eyebrow style you desire!
Contact us on our page if you want to know more about the safety tips and aftercare for microblading. Follow us on social media to see more of our before and after photos!
BROWBEAT STUDIO Dallas Advanced Microblading Experts 1800 Market Pl Blvd Ste 130 Irving, Texas 75063 Phone: 214-432-3077 More like this: